New Teachers

What Qualities Should a Spiritual Teacher Have?

Once in a while, a person may find a time in his life that his mind starts to ask questions such as, “Why am I here? What is life about? What is the purpose of my existence, and I don’t want to die without understanding why I have lived.”

These questions are often linked to the feeling that there is an internal voice calling him to follow an inner path and explore the truth that only this path can lead to. He might begin to feel divine concepts and truth, as it begins to emanate through his very presence and being.

Self-discovery can take days, months, or even years. There is often a strong desire to encourage deeply spiritual insights to others who are still “blinded by the material world.” Once a person has discovered the divine truth of existence, the desire to help others toward their personal awareness often burns strong in the heart. This often leads a person to start asking himself if he could be a teacher and if he has enough knowledge and experience. In many cases, the fear that others might not listen to the essential message is also present.

Many skeptics will say that it is impossible for a person that does not have a long, deep and proven spiritual experience to show the way to other truth seekers, and they will persist no matter how much evidence they are presented with. This often happens because people often believe that a person has to have a very rich knowledge of spirituality to become a spiritual teacher.

A true spiritual teacher needs only be one step higher in spirituality than the pupil seeking divine truths. It is not necessary to be at the level of Jesus Christ or Buddha to be a spiritual teacher. In fact, the higher the spiritual teacher, the more difficult it might be for the pupils to discover their own divine truths. In some cases, when a teacher is at too high of a level, it can make it too hard for a pupil to learn from him.

It isn’t necessary for a spiritual teacher to know where his knowledge came from in order to teach his pupils. It is simply essential that the teacher knows that his knowledge came from his spiritual inner source where the knowledge found is objective and does not come from personal scientific, subjective or philosophical ideas. A teacher is simply a medium that transfers objective knowledge, he is not the source of the knowledge.

A spiritual teacher needs only be completely aligned with the present moment. This will allow that whatever is needed in the present moment will come through the teacher. Answers that are needed, whether for his personal life or the life of others, can come through the spiritual teacher as long as he is able to be present and still and just “be with what is.”

A spiritual teacher does not “become” what he is. When a person feels that he is ready to become a spiritual teacher, then he is not a spiritual teacher. Rather, he should feel that he is not ready to undertake the task because he does not know anything, has nothing to teach and nothing to say. Spiritual teaching does not come from a person’s personal knowledge; it comes through a person.

It is not a matter of being ready to be a spiritual teacher; it is a matter of having enough space to become one. The spiritual teacher essentially just has to know how to get out of the way. Truly powerful things that he will do will be done in the moment. It will happen because the spiritual teacher gets out of the way. This is when the primordial intelligence in the power of life and the power of now flow through him. This is how true creation occurs.

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