
Speed Reading Teaching Courses

Several establishments and websites offer speed reading courses that are not only affordable, but cater to your needs. For example, if you are a college or university student, you really need to read fast with a high comprehension level because of your study load whereas, if you are a house wife, you do not really need to have a speed of 1,500 words per minute since you are not subject to any time pressure. These speed reading courses offer a wide variety of modules that are arranged systematically. The basics are taught first, followed by the various speed reading skills you need to acquire. Plus, you are given up-to-ate and quality reading materials and tutors that specialize in his activity.

Speed reading courses vs. self-teaching

Courses are generally more organized since they are handled by specialists in this field. By enrolling in courses, you are given exercises and materials that coincide with your age and progress. Plus, these speed reading courses stress the importance of reading skills. Thus, their aim is not only to increase your reading speed but also to improve your comprehension, fluency, pronunciation and the like. However, courses are not given for free. You are required to pay an average of $20 for every course you enroll in.

In self-teaching on the other hand, you don’t have to spend a single cent. However, since you are just about to learn to read fast, the exercises and programs you set for yourself may not be too systematic. Also, you may set a goal for yourself that is impossible and impractical to achieve such as 1,000,000 million words per minute. You don’t need to have that much speed. Even the world’s fastest reader didn’t have that much. The world record as of 1990 was pegged at 27,000 words per minute. However, if you really don’t want to enroll in any courses, research is the best option for you. Read on tips and guides that will help you set up an effective speed reading program for you.

Coverage of speed reading courses

The coverage of courses may vary. Usually, however, they start with the basics followed by more complex exercises to hone your reading skills. Also, these courses stress the importance of comprehension. Without comprehension, no matter how high your speed is, is just a waste of time.


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