Hands on Activities

Self Esteem Student Activities

Not only adults, even children of all ages are often found to be suffering from a low self esteem problem. To help them, various self esteem improvement student activities can be designed. The various student activities include group and pair interaction, writing, drawing, comprehension, and analysis. These creative activities help preserve the student’s individuality and can be used for boosting self esteem of students of any age.

Students can be asked to enlist ten traits that they have within themselves in ten small pieces of paper. Then ask them to give up one trait and ask them to note down how the loss of that trait affects them. Repeat the exercise six times until the student is left with just four traits. Very often, students get extremely confused and grow tensed as they are asked to give up the six traits one by one. They feel very deficient and imperfect without those traits and yearn to get them back. At that moment, grant them the chance to regain their traits one at a time and see how they feel relieved. Through this activity, students realize the importance of each virtue and how inadequate they are without those traits. They learn to respect their traits and appreciate their abilities as a result of which their self esteem gets a boost.

Another creative self esteem boosting student activity is to create a 2 to 3 minute television commercial titled “Me” which must emphasize why they, the students, think that somebody should hire them. This activity encourages the student to market himself by advertising his skills and abilities. Through this activity, the student develops a new understanding of his qualities and this will greatly boosts his self confidence and self esteem.

There are some of the many activities through which one can help the students in building a positive self esteem.


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