
Preparing for Kindergarten

There are certain “child-rearing stress milestones” every parent has to deal with. This just comes with that decision to sire offspring. There will just be times when the parent stress level is higher than usual.

These moments will sometimes (OK, often) coincide with a child starting a new level of education. What we’re trying to say is, preparing for that first day of kindergarten can be a little rough. This is true for the parents and the children. It’s a big day as the child takes one step closer to going to “big kid school”. The child might be scared and apprehensive about a new classroom, a potentially longer school day and unfamiliar kids.

Being prepared for the new routine can help reduce the stress levels and help parents and kids get through the kindergarten jitters. Parents should prepare the family (yes, the whole family, excluding most family pets) for the kindergarten experience.

Start to adjust the family’s daily routine a few weeks before the first day of kindergarten arrives. This might mean changing the changing the time the child gets up and the time the child goes to bed. It’s not just the youngsters. This might also mean parents changing their daily sleep habits. If parents are going to need extra time on those school morning or more time at night to prepare the next day’s lunches, it’s probably a good idea to get a jump start on the new routine.

This goes beyond sleep patterns. If meal schedules need to be adjusted, do it before the first day of kindergarten.

Don’t assume you will know your child’s academic activities. You might want to check with your kindergarten to get on idea of your child’s work schedule. Some teachers will tell you that kindergarten has changed in the last few decades in terms of the academic activities children now undertake in kindergarten. Plus, each kindergarten has its own way of doing things and the academic portion of the kindergarten program may be more than the parents anticipated. Educators say the reason for more emphasis on academics is the fact that more children are attending preschool and pre-k programs.

If you want to help your child get ready for the academics of kindergarten, go over simple writing and math skills in the weeks leading up to the start of kindergarten.

Finally, when the big first day of kindergarten arrives, put up a brave front. If you are emotional or nervous, try not to let the child see those emotions. The child wants to get comfort and assurance from you that starting kindergarten is a fun and exciting new step in life.


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