Resources & Tools

Free Teacher Resources and Their Impact

When the word ‘Resources’ is heard the first thing that strikes your mind is something additional and useful. The term resource is associated with many facets in human life. The meaning of resource is different for different people. A person who is stuck in a hot desert and has no means to return, for him the word resource would be any transport that could take him back home. That would be great relief for him and a wonderful resource.

Same term ‘resource’ for a school teacher would be any help to enhance the teaching and ways of learning. Everyone just thinks for the students and children and creates guides, books and workbooks for them. All the help and care is extended to the students and not the hardworking teachers. So many companies came together and decided to make some resources for the help of teachers. Before the resources they thought to create a tool which could make the appropriate use of the resources and so came in picture the very famous and creative interactive whiteboard. It is a board which can be connected to internet, intranet (website for internal use i.e. a data that can be accessed only from the school or office.

After the tool was created then the designers came up with wonderful resources that could be used perfectly with the interactive whiteboard. As the resources should be made available to all the teachers across the country it was hosted on the internet and to make the maximum use of them all were put up as free teacher resources. The impact of the entire creation was very positive both from the teachers point and the students.


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