There are many options a high school graduate may choose when entering university. The advent of the Internet has also made it possible for them to earn their degrees online but nothing beats the collegiate experience. For a lot of us, going to college out of state is a rite of passage leaving one phase of life and entering into the next. This means leaving home and going to an unfamiliar place, living with strangers and adjusting to new surroundings. It is in this situation wherein a new social skill set is learned, tested, and hopefully mastered by the end of the four years or so in university. Depending on which course is taken as one can take up law and decide to be a San Diego criminal attorney of sorts or one can also take up medicine and spend the next 8 years mastering a course only to spend another 5 years in a hospital taking up residency and sub-specialization, there are options to be decided upon and taken. And it is all part of the process which one goes through in this aspect of life.
The life lessons of university life are varied yet important in all aspects. Learning to live on your own and with other people is an essential lesson indirectly taught in campus. Social interaction of this nature is important as one is taken from the comfort zone of living in a place all too unfamiliar. Learning to adapt and adjust to certain people and situations are crucial. This also means learning how to socialize. Joining an organization or a Greek letter society may be a good experience in this way because going through a shared experience like initiation with your fellow brothers or sisters’ bonds people together. Sharing the same cause is another way to meet people with the same interest. University life is a microcosm of how the real world interacts.
In another like the reality of competition is also felt in college life whether that be in academic or sports competition. No matter how you think about it, there will always be someone smarter than you when you enter college. Whether this person is your contemporary, senior or professor, you may learn to co-mingle with such people and learn how to work harmoniously or else be challenged on how to compete against this person in an honourable and scholastic manner. Nevertheless, to learn such life lessons in college is the true experience gained. Lessons that will help you transition into the workforce.